Demons Gone Wild Collection
Marked by Tears
October 7, 2022 - PK Ink - buy it here.

As a rogue blood demon on the run for his life, Kry'n knows he's beyond redemption. In Jane's eyes, he finds hope for a better life. He lurks in the shadows of her homeless shelter not just for easy prey but to be near her, his only salvation. He watches her dedicate her life to saving others, but when it's her life on the line, only he can save her.

"I'll be honest, I was really disappointed when I reached the end of this book...because it was over. I wanted to hear more about the rogue demon Kry'n and his people. Ms. Shannon creates an interesting world of creatures pulling different types of demons from mythos into one place but giving them her own personal twist." You Gotta Read Reviews, Thanks Tir

Demons Gone Wild!

The Tascryn demons as a race are supremely dedicated to their holy duties. But every now and then a demon becomes lost among his brethren. He or she loses faith in their purpose. In such times they are counseled to complete their assigned tascs and not question the reasons until their faith returns. Sometimes that isn't enough. Sometimes they go rogue, fleeing from their native home in Niflheim and out into the mortal realm to live among mortals.  Some seek only to live in peace but others strike out at a world they yearn to be part of.  All of them are marked to be hunted. 

Status of the Demons Gone Wild Collection
This series is planned as a collection and will unfold as time allows. Currently there are no new books in the works, but some of the characters would love to have their stories told so I'm sure there will be more. I just don't know when...

Demons Gone Wild Collection
The Wysh
October 4, 2022 - PK Ink - Buy it here. 

Lin struggles to raise his kid brother on a writer's fluctuating income and once more is over whelmed with unpaid bills. Just when he thinks he's out of options, that is when he gets a mysterious note offering him money for a little of his time. Despite knowing the guy will probably be a stalker pervert who thinks he's the woman shown on that back of his books, he still goes to the midnight meeting. What he finds is a ridiculously sexy demon asking for his blood in exchange for enough cash to fix Lin's lacking finances. Lin's just not sure how much of himself he can give up for money. The decisions could change his life forever.

home pagee-mail shannonshannon's booksall content (c) 2000-2024

Demons Gone Wild Collection
Season of Blood
2023 - PK Ink - buy it here.

Boryn is a Cyvampis blood demon, finally released from a thousand years of imprisonment. Kitty is traveling in search of what it means to be a Valàfrn werewolf. They come together in a moment of uncontrollable passion as she experiences her first season. But is he man enough to satisfy her? Is he strong enough to survive?

coming coon

Demons Gone Wild Collection
Surviving Synn
2024 - PK Ink - buy it here.

 After being stranded among mortals and finding himself too weak to return home, Tarvyn is desperate for a way to recharge his Synn powers. When he meets Captain Bailey, he knows he's found the right man for the job. Together they can find pleasure and power and maybe a future worth risking everything to claim. Together, they embark on a journey of passion and acceptance, where the boundaries between human and demon blur, and love becomes the ultimate source of power. In worlds torn between duty and desire, Tarvyn and Bailey must defy the odds and embrace their bond, knowing that their love may be the only thing strong enough to overcome the forces that seek to keep them apart.

coming soon