Q. What the heck is BIAWE??
A. Total insanity. BIAWE stands for Book In A WeekEnd and what it means is each of the participants offering a commitment to their writing. The idea is to sprint for as much as possible in the time allowed. In this case it is 3 days, from Friday through Sunday night. To help us all be successful, I will be opening a Yahoo "conference room" and holding wars throughout the BIAWE. When I can't run the timer, anyone else can step in. So if you are serious about writing and committed to producing high word counts in a short time... then feel free to join in with our crazy group. Send me a yahoo instant message at barrelvalley2003 and I'll invite you into the conference room.
Q. What do I need to join BIAWE?
A. Realistic but challenging goals. Only you know what your usual word counts are, so you set the goals. Each of us will have different expectations and as long as you are working hard, you cannot fail. (a few other things help you be successful too, such as an understanding and neglected family, premade meals or a chef, already planned out plots and characters, a vicious whip master running the BIAWE war room (CHECK), large supplies of caffeine or whatever your addiction happens to be and time, lots of free time)